Stardew Valley 1.3 Update
Nexus requirements
Stardew Valley 1.3 Patch Notes
You've inherited your grandfather's old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life!
Mod name | Notes |
SMAPI - Stardew Modding API |
Mods requiring this file
Mod name | Notes |
(BFAV) Agumon | |
(BFAV) Arcanine and Shiny Arcanine | |
(BFAV) Cel's sheep | |
(BFAV) Cute Rabbit | |
(BFAV) Cutter Animals | |
(BFAV) Dodongo | |
(BFAV) Glaceon | |
(BFAV) Golden Chicken | |
(BFAV) Gray Chicken | |
(BFAV) Harvest Moon Cows | |
(BFAV) Monster Girls | |
(BFAV) More Blue Chickens | |
(BFAV) Pokemons | |
(BFAV) Round Chickens mod | |
(BFAV) Togepi | |
(BFAV) Velociraptors | |
(BFAV) Vulpix | |
(BFAV) Yoshis | |
(BFAV) ZeldaLTTPLifestockAnimals | |
(CF) and (CP) Barfyscorpion Home Decor | Needed for the CP version only. |
(Completed) Misterghostfrogs portrait overhaul | |
(Content Patcher mod) Pam Scarecrow | Update to latest version |
(Content Patcher) Fox - Pet Replacer | |
(Content Patcher) Spouse Rooms Redesigned | |
(CP) (CF) Everia's Dragon Statues | (for the replacer) |
(CP) A Less Yellow Stardew (1.3.xx) (All in game Languages) | Needs to run. If don't use content patcher go to my other file. |
(CP) Ana's Less Saturated Portraits | |
(CP) Ana's Dark Wood Sign and Worm Bin | |
(CP) Ana's Less Saturated Sprites | |
(CP) Animal Loader | |
(CP) Animals But Good - Animals Rebalanced | |
(CP) Another Character Redesign (Maru) | |
(CP) Beagle | Needed to run this mod |
(CP) Blue Chicken... No. Grey Chicken. | |
(CP) Burnt Sienna Wood and Gold Craftables | For Content Patcher version |
(CP) Burnt Sienna Wood and Gold Shipping Bin and Mailbox | For Content Patcher versions |
(CP) Craftable Rings | |
(CP) Everia's Espeon Cat Replacer | |
(CP) Friendly Magical Vegan Truffle Bears | |
(CP) Golden Snek Statue | |
(CP) Haley Cleavage Portrait | |
(CP) I Don't Like Bundles | |
(CP) Just Another Marnie Edit | Minimum version: 1.9 |
(CP) Leah Busty Cleavage With Freckels | |
(CP) Leah Cleavage Sprite (For Buxom Portrait) | |
(CP) Marlon Portrait Replacement | |
(CP) MyPerfectFarm | |
(CP) No Surprise Crab | Needed to run this mod |
(CP) PetGirls Pet Replacer | |
(CP) Pethouse Re-skin to match Yellog's Buildings | |
(CP) RAINBOW. Salmonberry Bushes - Blackberry Bushes - Gem Geode | |
(CP) Sans as Shane Mod and New Dialogue | For patching! |
(CP) Shinning minerals and gems | |
(CP) Siamese Cat Replacement | |
(CP) Tub o' Flowers Color Varieties | For Content Patcher version |
(CP) Twiistrz Kitty Scarecrow | |
(CP) Twiistrz New Paths | |
(CP) Twiistrz Owl Scarecrow | |
(CP) Wooden Mushroom Boxes | For Content Patcher versions |
(CP) Zees Pride Shirts_Oddpodges Shirts_Shirtless Farmer_Content Patcher Conversion | Needed so that XNB files are not replaced. Content Patcher injects the new sprite files allowing you to keep other clothes. |
(UPDATED ) Seasonal Foresty Farm Buildings by Miizuki | |
0rg's Advancing Sprinklers (Content Patcher) | |
10kCats' Marriage Events for Shane | |
10x10 Greenhouse | For CP version(Also SMAPI at least 2.5.5) |
15x15 Greenhouse for Content Patcher | |
A Bigger Better Hilltop | |
A cuter Clint | |
A different linus | |
A Merry Furniture Christmas | |
A Milder Star(blue) Valley | |
A new and improved Maru | |
A older Harvey | |
A Smol Greenhouse | |
A Toned Down Stardew Valley - Updated | |
A Weird Cat | |
A Weird Dog | |
A Wittily Named Recolor | |
Abigail - Sprite Touchups (CP) | This mod uses Content Patcher to install. |
Abigail - The Extended Unrated Director's Cut 8K Gold Limited Edition | |
Abigail Dialogue Expansion | |
Abigail Redone | |
Ace's Building Tilesheets (Content Patcher) | |
Ace's Expanded Caves (Content Patcher) | |
Ace's Expanded Cellars (Content Patcher) | |
Ace's Expanded Farms | |
Ace's Expanded Farms MTN | |
Ace's Expanded Greenhouses (Content Patcher) | |
Ace's Expanded Houses (Content Patcher) | |
Ace's Simple Sheds (Content Patcher) | |
Adarin's Girl Mod - Content Patcher | Absolutely Required. |
Aesthetic Chickens | |
Aesthetically Pleasing Hill-Top Farm | |
Aldhafera's Dog | |
Alex Miscellaneous Expansion for Korean | 이 모드가 동작하기 위해선 최신버젼의 CP가 필요합니다. |
Alex with ponytail | |
Ali's Flower Grass - Content Patcher Edition | |
Alternate Winter Trees | |
Alucard the writer | Can't use this mod without it |
Always Grapes | |
Angel's Japanese Buildings (Complete) | |
Angel's Neko Statues | |
Animal Crossing Dig Spots for Content Patcher | Content Patcher requires SMAPI. |
Animal Rebalance | |
Animated Festive Winter Tree | |
Animated Junimo Scarecrows | |
Animatronic Lewis | |
Anime Portraits - Looking for Love Support | for running the mod |
Anime Robin Portrait - Robin Romance Support | for running the mod |
Another Mining Farm | |
Another seb mod | |
Anthro Farmer Continued | |
AOFB Shipping Bin | |
Aquilegia's Cute Item Retextures | |
Artifact Drop Rates | |
Artifact Filled Geodes | Version 1.3 or later |
Aurora's Ultimate DIY Series - Animals and Products (CP) | 1.9+ |
Avyss' Abigail Portrait (CP) | Version 1.9.1 |
Ayam Cemani Chickens - Void Chicken Replacement | |
Babies Take After Spouse Plus New Toddler Hair and Clothes | |
Bachelor Rarecrows | |
Bachelors portrait overhaul 1.3 | |
Backwoods Shortcut | |
Bad Penny | Recommended, not required. You can use the XNB files included in the ZIP to manually patch the game if you prefer. |
BadPostWizard | |
Bara Bachelors | |
Bara Willy | |
Bathhouse Hot Spring - Content Patcher | |
BB's shirts mod | optional |
Bear Mounts | Version 1.3 or higher |
Bearded Bara Shane | |
Bearish Harvey for CP | |
Bears in the Barn for BFAV | version 1.8 or higher |
Bee Farmer Mod | |
Beehouses to match magimatica's Hudson Valley Buildings | |
BennyB's Divine Greenhouse (Based on Erossavia's Tree Happy Greenhouse) | |
Beta Maru's New Shirts -- Purple and Teal | |
Better Alex (Portrait and Sprite Mod) | |
Better Dino Eggs | |
Better Horses Epona | Required for the CP versions |
Better Sebastian Sprite | |
Better TV Dialogue | |
Better Windows Content Pack | |
Better woods | |
BFAV Armadillo | |
BFAV Bulls | |
BFAV Crows | |
BFAV Dragons | |
BFAV Frogs | |
BFAV Geckos | |
BFAV Hedgehogs | |
BFAV Magic Bunnies (Mythical Hares) | |
BFAV Rabbit Base (Request) | |
BFAV Raccoon Mod | |
BFAV Seagulls | |
BFAV Squirrels | |
Big slime Re skin | |
BigCola's Better Hats for Content Patcher | |
Bigger Greenhouse For Iridium Sprinklers Content Patcher Unofficial | |
Bigger Shed | |
Bigger Sheds | |
Black And White Mod | 1.3.1+ required |
Black Elliott Edit (for Content Patcher) | |
Blacksmith Furniture | |
Blake Belladonna as Abigail | The .XNB version is exempt from this as I'm just learning how CP works |
Blonde Emily (CP) | |
Blossom Trees v1.1 - Fruit Tree Recolors (Content Patcher Edition) | v1.1 or later |
Blue Wood Furniture | |
BlueWind95 Cat Sphynx Replacer | Requires it to run at all. |
Boat Horse - Content Patcher | v1.4+ |
Bof 3 Animals for Content Patcher | |
Bof Monsters Content Patcher | |
Boho Home Interior - CP and XNB | |
Boomer Sipp | |
BOYSVincent | |
Bregs Crafting | 1.4-beta.3 |
Bregs Fish | 1.4-beta.2 |
Bregs Flooring | 1.4-beta.3 |
Bregs Goats | 1.4-beta.3 |
Bregs Monsters | 1.4-beta.3 |
brezee's Unoffical Seasonal Victorian Cabins for multiplayer | |
Bright Dig Spots (Content Patcher) | |
Busty Abigail | Recommended, not required. You can use the XNB files included in the ZIP to manually patch the game if you prefer. |
Busty Bessie | Recommended, not required. You can use the XNB files included in the ZIP to manually patch the game if you prefer. |
Busty Gothic Abigail | Recommended, not required. You can use the XNB files included in the ZIP to manually patch the game if you prefer. |
Busty Leah | Recommended, not required. You can use the XNB files included in the ZIP to manually patch the game if you prefer. |
Busty Vampire House | Required. |
Buxom Caroline Character Overhaul - Semi-Dateable and New Dialogue | |
Bye Bye Clint Hello Clarice | |
Cabin Replacement - Seasonal Vanilla | |
Cairn Terrier and West highland White Terrier | |
Cannabis Related Events | |
Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion for All Friend-able Characters | |
Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion for Korea | 최신버전 |
Cat in a Coat | |
Cat's seasonal hats | |
Cathulhu | |
Century Event | |
CFR Fish Breeding Tank | |
Chain Chomp dog | |
Change Horse to Mudsdale | |
Charles' Colored Cursors | |
Cherry Blossom's Better Beds Mod | |
CherryOtaku's Seasonal Outfits Expansion - Moonlight Jellies | |
Ches's Sam Portrait Mod | |
Chihuahua | |
Chill Leah | |
Chinchilla As Pet (mod prolly wont work ) | if youre just prefer replacing xnb then no need to install this |
Chockens | |
ChocoboMod | |
Chocolate Rabbits | Requires newest version |
Christmas Farm - Decorated Farm House and Greenhouse | |
Christmas NPCs | |
Chubby Haley (Content Patcher) | |
CK's Ducati Motorbike | |
Clean and Block for Barns and Coops | version 1.8 or newer |
Clean Resizable Cellar (Content Patcher) | |
Cleaned Up Forest | |
Cleaner Cellar | |
Clint Marriage Mod | For the Main Mod |
CM Retro Game Music Mix | |
CN Futanari Human Farm Animals | |
CN Futanari Player | |
Coffee In The Fall | |
Coii's All Hats Pack | (optional) |
Coii's Basic Shirts Pack | (optional) |
Coii's Girls Sets Pack | (optional) |
Coii's Hair Sets Pack | (optional) |
Cold Weather Haley - Content Patcher | |
Color Valley | (REQUIRED) |
Colored Seeds | |
Colorful Shoes | |
Combat Made Easy Suite | |
Combined Girl Mod | 1.3.0+ |
Content Pack version of lillvik's bigger standard farm | |
Content Patcher - Beta-Inspired Haley | |
Content Patcher - Custom Abigail (Portrait and Sprite) | |
Content Patcher - Daft Punk Hats | |
Content Patcher - Dirt bike (9 colors) | |
Content Patcher - Durarara Horse and Motorcycle | |
Content Patcher - Fixed Mouse House | |
Content Patcher - Fluffykins' Furniture - Paintings Statues and Rugs | |
Content Patcher - lilsimsie scarecrow | |
Content Patcher - Lolita Fashion Bachelorettes | |
Content Patcher - Minecraft Paintings | |
Content Patcher - More Beds in Farmhouse | |
Content Patcher - Primitive Artisan Equipment | |
Content Patcher - Sleipnir | |
Content Patcher - Wedding Ring Replacement | |
Content Patcher Animations | |
Content Patcher Dialogue Tutorial | |
Content Patcher Rikuo's Character Portaits | |
Content Patcher Version Flower Valley - Town and Farm Buildings ReDesign | |
Content Patcher Version for Rose's Interior | |
Content Patcher- Hat Mouse to Tem Shop | |
Content Scale Portraits | Required if using version 1.1.0 |
Content_Patcher-CarbuncleCatReplacement | |
Coop and Barn Facelift (Content Patcher) | |
Coordinated Crafting Bars - Content Patcher | |
Copper's Crystal Obelisks | |
Country Emily | For Content Patcher pack only |
Country Haley | |
CP - Mac Daddy Pierre | |
CP - Nady's Beehouses | |
CP Alex and Sebastian Fix | |
CP Christmas Candyland | |
CP Hippy Trailer Home | |
CP Larger Passageways | |
CP Nintendo Furniture | |
CP Pams Trailer Home | |
CP Rabbit's Foot to Easter Egg | |
CP Red Beard Clint 1.2 | |
CP Seasonal Victorian Cabin (Inspired by Eemie's Seasonal Victorian Buildings) | for stardew 1.3 beta |
CP Snek Items | |
CP TheyThem Abigail | |
CP Wooden Trailer Home | |
CP_LostChildNPC | |
CP_MotherHellenNPC | |
CP_MothManNPC | |
CP_NABI's gem replacement | |
CP_WendigoNPC | |
Crab Pot Bait Recolor | |
Craftable Mushroom Boxes | |
Craftables Remake Project (Chest Repalce) | |
Crafting Recipes Expanded | |
Crib Replacement - Toy Pile | |
Critical Crow - CR rarecrows for content patcher | |
Curly haired penny | |
Cursors Loader (CP) | Well of course. |
Custom Linens for Content Patcher | |
Customizable Fish Behavior | Version 1.4 or greater |
Cute Pastel Calendar | |
Cute Valley - Blue | |
Cute Valley - Pink | |
Cuter Cellar | |
Cuter Coops and Barns | |
Cuter Fatter Pigs | |
Cuter Futan Bears | |
D-Dog from MGS5 | |
Dammit Clint Stop Hitting On My Wife | |
Dark Brown Interface for Content Patcher | |
Dark Brown Transparent Interface | |
Dark Furniture | |
Dark Skull Cavern | For Running the Mod |
Dark User Interface | |
Dark Wood Craftable Plus v1.3 for 1.3.x | To load the mod without replacing any file |
Dark Wood Slime Craftables | Version 1.9 or later |
Darker Dirt and Cliffs | for content patcher version |
Daybreak Farm | |
DcBurger and Adarin HD Girls Portraits Edit | |
Desert Farm | |
Dialogue Expansion _PORTUGUESE_ | |
Dino Ducks | only needed for the content patcher version |
Dinosaur Replacement - Turtle | |
Diverse Stardew Valley for SMAPI | |
Diverse Stardew Valley with Seasonal Villager Outfits (DSVO) | |
DIYCP - Animals | |
DIYCP - Around The Farm | |
DIYCP - Buildings | |
DIYCP - Characters and Portraits | |
DIYCP - Home Decor | |
DIYCP - Monster Mash | |
Dog Collection by Lynn0 | |
Dragon's Advancing Sprinklers (Content Patcher) | |
Duggy Tweak (Content Patcher) | |
Dwarf Sans | if you dont use this, the mod will not work! |
Dwarvish | |
DZK312's Fanciful Resources | Requires Version 1.7 or Newer |
Earth and Water Obelisks to match magimatica's Hudson Valley Buildings | |
EasierBundles | |
Echidnae for BFAV | |
Edited wallpapers and floors by Lynn0 | |
Eemie's Grass Variety for Content Patcher | |
Eemie's Just A New Map Recolour - Content Patcher Edition | |
Eemie's Seasonal Victorian Buildings - Content Patcher | |
Eemie's Victorian Buildings for CP | |
Elle's Barn Animal Replacements | |
Elle's Cat Replacements (Content Patcher) | |
Elle's Coop Animal Replacements | |
Elle's Critter and Butterfly Replacements (Content Patcher) | |
Elle's Dirt and Cliff Recolor (Content Patcher) | |
Elle's Dog Replacements (Content Patcher) | |
Elle's Grass Replacement (Content Patcher) | |
Elle's Horse Replacements | |
Elle's Kitchen Replacement (Content Patcher) | |
Elle's New Barn Animals (Content Patcher) | |
Elle's New Coop Animals (Content Patcher) | |
Elle's New Horses (Content Patcher) | |
Elle's Seasonal Buildings (Content Patcher) | Requiress v1.3+ |
Elliott Dialogue Expansion | |
Elliott redefined | |
Elven Krobus | |
Emily Dialogue Expansion | |
Emily Dialogue Expansion Chinese | |
Emily Sprite Edit | not needed for .xnb replacement |
Emily sprite edit 1C (Content Patcher) | |
Emoji Rarecrow | |
Enhanced Farmhouse | |
Enhanced Player Sprites | Needed for the Content Patcher version. |
Erin's Festival Map edit | 1.4 or later |
Erossavia's Dark Brown Brick Path | |
Erossavia's Double Shed | |
Erossavia's Ranch | |
Erossavia's Tree Happy Greenhouse | |
Evelyn's Friendship Garden Pot | |
Event Repeater - A useful tool for Content Patcher Modding | |
Evolve Your Dog Into Arcanine | Only for the CP Arcanine files. The other two you can just replace the dog.xnb file underneath animals. |
Expanded Access Maps | |
Expanded Cellar | |
Expanded Foraging Farm | Content Patcher 1.6.2 |
Expanded Woods (By Cylesburk) - Content Patcher - Unofficial Version | |
Extreme Makeover Emily | |
EZ Legendary Fish Content Patcher Edition | |
Fairy And Fairy Bushes (mod no worky anymore) | if youre just prefer replacing xnb then no need to install this(for the fairy bushes) |
Fallout Valley | |
Fancier Galaxy Sword | |
Farm Cave Redo | |
Farm Extended | |
Farmer Vitiligo | |
Farmhouse Floor Strip Fix | version 1.4 or higher |
Farmhouses Enhanced | |
Farming Made Easy Suite | |
Faster Animal Products | |
Fatter Cat - Calico (Content Patcher Compatible) | Only if using Content Patcher |
Feowinn's Portrait Overhaul | |
Fertilizer Sacks | |
Festivals Recolor | |
Fippsie's Alternative Lamp Posts | |
Fippsie's Animated Lamp Posts | |
Fippsie's Animated Trees | |
Fire Emblem Swords Pack | |
Fire Emblem Valley (Content Patcher) | |
First Farmhouse Reimagined | |
Fishing Made Easy Suite | Install before using this specific mod. |
Fixed truncated French dialogues | |
Flame Horses (CP) version of CreepyKat | |
Flamingo Scarecrows | |
Flirtier Alex Dialogue Overhaul for Content Patcher | |
Floraphile Emily - CP | |
Flower Decorative UI | |
Flowering Fields | v1.2 |
Flowery Fence(s) (mod prolly doesnt work anymore) | |
Flowery Pink Houses | |
flowery stone fences (content patcher) | |
Freshwater Tilapia | |
Froststar11's Butterflies | |
Froststar11's Canine Collection (dog replacer) | |
Froststar11's Cleaner Barns and Coops | |
Froststar11's Cleaner Cellar | |
Froststar11's Farm Expansion | |
Froststar11's Greenhouse and Arboretum | |
Froststar11's Hedgehogs (Rabbit Replacement) | |
Froststar11's OCD Friendly Standard Farm Map | |
Froststar11's Quality of LIfe Farmhouse Expansions | |
Froststar11's Simple Greenhouse | |
Froststar11's Tiny Kitchen | |
Froststar11's Underground Fairy Spring (Farm Cave) | |
Fwippy's Subdued Summer Crop Recolor | Version 1.9 or later |
Garden Grass | |
Garden Pot Retexture | |
Garden Variety UI - Content Patcher Version | |
Gender Neutrality Mod | |
Geode George | |
George and Evelyn Developed | |
George dialogue edits (no more homophobia and ableism) | |
German Non-Friendable Charackter | |
Gift-able Artifacts | |
Gigi's Custom Shirts | |
Gigi's Farmer Soap Hairstyles | |
Girl Mod | |
Glass Milk Bottles for Content Patcher | |
Go To Work Clint (CP) Conversion | |
Gold Clock Out House | |
Goth Abby | |
Goth Marriable Villagers | |
Governor to Gourmet | |
Governor Expansion Mod | |
Governor Expansion Mod (Chinese Translation) | |
Grandpa's Grove Foraging Farm | (1.6+) |
Grassy Hills Farm (CP) | |
Green Haired Abigail Mod (Content Patcher) | You need this to run my mod, my dude |
Green Pastures Farm | Only required if you are using the optional content patcher compatible version. :) |
Greenfingers Mayo | |
Greenhouse Message | |
Grey and White Tabby | |
Greys Wallpapers and Floors | |
Gus To Ban | |
Haley 8-Heart Event - Updated Photos | Only required for Content Patcher download. |
Haley Bunny Suit | Because, i don´t know how to change from PNG to XNB ;D |
Haley Dialogue Expansion | |
Haley is now Popuri (Content Patcher version) | |
Halloween Feelings | |
Handsome Sam | Also by Pathoschild |
Harder Gift Tastes for Content Patcher | |
Harvest Runes - A Seasonal Scarecrow Replacer | |
Harvey - Now with Beard | |
Harvey Dialogue Expansion | |
Harvey Marriage Expansion | |
Harvey no those are poisonous | |
Hat Mouse House Makeover | version 1.8 or higher |
Hats Won't Mess Up Hair | |
Hedge Fences | version 1.3 or higher |
Helena's Cat Replacement - Aipom | |
Hidden Forest Farm (CP) | |
Hidden Spirit Cove Farm | |
High Res Portraits for Adarin's girl mod | |
Hiroshi - Custom NPC | |
Hisame furniture - Toothless dragon statue replace bear | Only needed for CP version, otherwise no other requirements needed. |
Hisamechu's larger Greenhouse | |
Hobbit Holes for Content Patcher | |
Hojichas' Walls and Floors (Content Patcher) | Required only for the Content Patcher file. |
Holiday Fence (CP) | |
Holobat's Butterflies and Crows | |
Hopping Angora Rabbit Replacement | |
Horns as Headgears | |
Horny Bachelors Revamp (Content Patcher) | |
Horny Girls of Stardew Valley (Redux) | |
Horror Rain (CP) - Blood Rain or Acid Rain | |
Horse Bear | |
Horse Boys | |
Horse Boys 2 | |
Horse trot animation | |
House and building customisation - Content Patcher | |
House of the Oracle | |
Hudson Valley Buildings - Complete Pack | |
Hunger | For Mail Content Pack |
Husky New NPC | |
I'm a Hoodie Guy Myself | |
iKeychain's Portraits (CP) | |
iKeychain's Simple Hat Edits (CP) | |
Immersive Characters - Shane | |
Immersive Farm 2 | 1.4 BETA VERSION |
Immersive Farm 2 Unofficial Update | |
Immersive Festival Dialogue | |
Improved Calico Desert | |
Improved Pet Area (Content Patcher Edition) | |
Inches To Metric System | |
Infernal Amumu pet replacer(with sound) | |
Interior Recolor - Content Patcher | |
Invatorzen's Dialogue Changes For Adarin's Girl Mod (Content Patcher) (Now supports SVE and female Shane) | |
Isa's Pastel Weapon Retextures | |
Item Ball Dig Spot | |
Jade Hills Repainted | |
Jas Portrait By Rizum | Not requiered if you just download the xnb |
Jiji Cat Recolor (Ghibli) (CP) | |
John (Stand aloneNPC) | |
Joja Medical Team Remover | |
Joja ruins 9-Heart Shane Event | |
Joja Shed Replacement | |
JumJum Jr. - Content Pack | 1.4+ |
Junimo Livestock | For Content Patcher pack |
Junimo Note Recolors | |
Junimos to Junipugs | |
K's Cow Replacers | |
K's Goat Replacers | |
K's Pig Replacers | |
K's Sheep Replacers | |
Kal's Marriage Candidates Portraits for Content Patcher | |
Karmylla's Farm Cellars | |
Karmylla's Immersive Maps | Needed to load files! |
Karmylla's Spouse Rooms | Needed to load files! |
Kero replaces Wizard | |
Kids Furniture | |
Kimberly's Crib Replacement and Recolours for Content Patcher | |
Kin's Miowee Portraits | |
Kitchen Nook for 1st Farmhouse | |
Kitsune Masks | |
Kittybus Krobus Portrait | |
Konata's Buildings for Attack Otaku | |
Konata's Furniture for Attack Otaku | |
Krobus Portrait Expansion for Content Patcher | |
Laputa Castle in the Sky Crystal Amulet (Ghibli) (CP) | |
Lava Bat Tweak | |
Layla's Shirt Mod | |
LB's Improved Farmhouse - No Beds and Spouse Room Fixes | |
Leaf's Better Forest Farm | |
Leaf's Extended Beach | Must have to make the beach load |
Leah - Knockoff Adarin Style | Or you can manually replace the files, but why? |
Leah Dialogue Expansion | |
Legendary Scarecrows | Needed to run the mod |
Less Ugly Pigs (Content Patcher) | |
LGBT Pride Flag Paintings | |
Lighter Craftables | |
Link Statue Lightning Rods | |
Links Forest Farm | |
Linus is a Yeti | |
Log Beehive Edit | |
Log Bridges Plus | Minimum 1.4 |
Log cabin - reimagined | |
Long-Haired Cats | |
Looking for Love (formerly Siv's Marriage Mod) | For the Main Mod |
Love Letters | |
Lumberjack Leah | |
Lumisteria Buildings (season addon) | |
Lumisteria Flowery Grass - Content Patcher | |
Lumisteria Wallpapers - Custom Wall and Floor | |
Luna's Cat Butt Mod | This is required. |
Lup Taaco (TAZ Mod for SDV) | |
Lyell Halkias Stand Alone Npc | |
Macrame Pride Wall Hangings for Custom Furniture (CF) | |
Mag's Cow Reskins | |
Make Charlie the chicken less cartoony | |
Make Elliott Lotor from Voltron | |
Mal's Rival Heart Events | |
Mal's Sebastian Expansion with Post Marriage Events | |
Manbun Sam | |
Maneki-neko | |
Map Tweaks | |
Mario Monsters CP | |
Marriage Dialogue Overhaul for Shane | MOD WILL ONLY RUN IN CP |
Maru Expanded - A Complete Character Overhaul | |
Maru with Twists | |
Massive Greenhouse 50x50 | |
Matheus's better flour | |
Mayor's Lucky Purple Shorts Hats | |
Medium Dirtpaths for - A Wittily Named Recolor - | |
Mellow Yellow Interior Rhinebeck Edition | |
Mermaid Island | |
MeruiC's Bigger Farmhouse | Use version 1.7 or above |
Messy haired Pierre | SMAPI |
Mighty Nein in Stardew Valley | |
MimiShaneUpdate | only if you'd rather use the content patcher folder than the xnb file |
Minerva's Bigger Farmhouses | |
Minerva's Harder Community Center Bundles | |
Miowee's Portraits (Content Patcher Edition) | |
Misc Furniture | |
MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response 3 - I know we're married | 1.6 or better |
Mixed_race_DCbuger_Jas_UNOFFICIAL | |
Moat Farm | |
Mobster Mr. Qi | Only required for the [CP] conversion |
modding Discord Farm | |
Modern Buildings Mill Silo Well Content Patcher Pack All-in-One | |
Modern Gothic Interior | |
Mokona Plushies | For game ver 1.3 |
Monster girls farm (with Voice replacer) | For sprites to work |
Monster Men Livestock | |
Monster Shed | |
MonsterGirl Animals | Mininum: 1.3 |
Monstrous Greenhouse | |
Monteso's Furniture | |
Monteso's Kitchen | |
Moped Scooter Horse | For CP patch only |
Mopsy's Harvest Moon Animals | Requires 1.4-beta.3 or newer. |
More Accessible Wilderness (Combat) Farm | Only required for Stardew Valley 1.3 |
More Buildings for Cute Valley | |
More New Fish | |
More New Fish - Chinese Translation 3.0.1 | |
More New Fish - German | |
More New Fish_CN | |
More Overgrown Fairy Buildings | You need to download Content Patcher before using the CP version. |
More Personality for Jas | |
More Sexy Dwarf | |
More Stardew-y Relationship Indicators | |
Morris Berry | Required if using version 1.1.0 |
Morris in Shipping Bin | |
Morris Personality Enhancement | |
MorrisRemade | |
Motorcycles (Content Patcher) | |
Mouse Ears to Temmie Ears (Content Patcher) | |
Mouse Hat in Shipping Bin | |
Moveable Mushroom Boxes | |
Mr. Doggy for Content Patcher | |
MRTZ Naked Season | Latest Version |
Multifunction Greenhouse | |
Multiroom Shed | |
Munchboi The Cat | |
Mushier Mushroom Saplings | Optional, can also be installed as xnb replacement. |
Mushroom Tree Replacement - Content Patcher | Required |
MythicPhoenix's Mythical Hares | |
MythicPhoenix's Shining Treasure | |
MythicPhoenix's Skogkatt (Norwegian Forest Cat) | |
MythicPhoenix's There Be Dragons | |
Nagito Komaeda Content Patcher Edition | |
Natural Clock | |
Natural Paths | version 1.3 or higher |
Natural-Toned Birch Buildings | Also requires SMAPI |
New Bachelors (CP) | |
New NPC Mona | |
New paths by neocores and naggums | |
New Portraits Mod | Needed to Patch the Portrait Content |
New Ramp from Buss stop to Backwoods | |
New version of Mushroom Tree with Leaves | |
NG's splendid weapon | |
Nicer Extra Dialogue | |
Night Market Cat Boat | version 1.4 or higher |
Nightmare Scarecrows | For CP version! Overwrite old scarecrows! Not animated! |
Nightmare's Retextured Weapons - The Magical Girl Edition | |
Nika's Simple Cat Recolours | |
Niko's Portraits | |
No Cellar Clutter | |
No More Breakup Events | |
No more slurping | |
No Spouse Rooms | |
Nommer's Craftables | Needed to Run the Mod |
Nommers Buildings | |
Norien's Stone Path and Fence Retexture | |
Novan's Seasonal Grass Path | |
Obelisk Overhaul Inspired By Eemi Seasonal Victorian | |
Old Red Crosses | |
Online and Home Shopping | |
Opal Paths | v1.1 or later |
Opalie's Neat Farm | |
Outdoor Hot Springs UPDATE | |
Overgrown Fairy Craftables | You need to download Content Patcher before using the CP version. |
Overgrown Garden Farm | essential |
Owl Scarecrows CP Conversion | v1.3.1 or later ( Or Latest version for beta) |
Palm Beach | |
Pam as a Horse | |
Pam's Clean House | |
Pam's true form - TrashPam (WITH CONTENT PATCHER) | |
Panda Hat | |
Paritee's Bareback Riding Horse | |
Paritee's Billy Goats | |
Paritee's Blue Roosters | |
Paritee's Brown Bulls | |
Paritee's Brown Roosters | |
Paritee's Drakes | |
Paritee's Ducks | |
Paritee's Gender-Neutral Farm Animals | |
Paritee's Rams | |
Paritee's Riding Helmet | |
Paritee's Sport Horses | |
Paritee's Void Roosters | |
Paritee's White Bulls | |
Paritee's White Roosters | |
Parrot Parents - text and dialogue edits for kids to birds mod | |
Paul the Optometrist - a New NPC | |
Pencilstab's Portraits (ALL PORTRAITS COMPLETED) | Don't need if you want to use the .xnb files |
Penny Dialogue Expansion | |
Penny Heart Events Fix | version 1.4 or higher |
Penny More Friendly - Seasonal Anime Portraits | |
Penny's New Look - Content Pack | |
Penny's Two Heart Event Improved (Content Patcher) | |
Pennys Nightmare CP | |
Pet Junimo | |
Pethouse - Content Patcher | |
Phoenix Farm - A Standard Map Variant (CP and MTN) | Only for the CP version |
Pink Haired Haley | |
Pk5 Map | |
Pokecrows | |
Pokefy | |
Pokefy Companion | |
Pokemon Buildings | |
Poly Friendly Events - Content Patcher | |
Pookachu's Cellar | |
Pookachus Bar | |
Pookachus Botanical Garden | |
Pookachus Fishing Farm | |
Pookachus Forest Farm | |
Pookachus Grand Greenhouse | |
Pookachus Greenhouse | |
Pookachus Multiplayer Farms Forest | |
Pookachus Multiplayer Farms Hill Top | |
Pookachus Multiplayer Farms Riverland | |
Pookachus Multiplayer Farms Standard | |
Pookachus Multiplayer Farms Wilderness | |
Pookachus PoolHouse | |
Pookachus Seasonal Greenhouse | |
Pookachus Simple Combat Farm | |
Pookachus Standard Farm | |
Pookachus_Smaller_Snappy_Greenhouse | |
Popuri the Clinic Assistant -- New NPC (Beta) | |
Porcelaine's Wizard (CP) | |
Porg Replacer for Chickens | |
Portrait Overhaul - Content Patcher | |
Portrait pack | Smapi |
Portrait-Accurate Alex (CP) | The most updated version of this mod requires Content Patcher to work. |
Primitive Artisan Equipment for Content Patcher | |
Probably Purple and Certainly Rainbows | |
Profession Icons Redone | |
Project Valley Life | |
Prospurrity | |
prysm Palms | |
PT-BR Long dialogue time | |
Pufferchick obsession (mod doesnt work) | if youre just prefer replacing xnb then no need to install this |
Pufferchick Scarecrow | |
Pufferchick Trophy | |
PufferChickens | |
Purple craftables (Content Patcher) | |
Quiet Basin Farm | |
Rabbit as RO Lunatic Pet also replaces Rabbits Foot | |
Ragnarok Online Hats (Content Patcher and Json Assets) | |
Rainy Day Clothing | |
Ran's Farm Decor | |
Ran's Faux Stairs and Platforms | |
Ran's Harvest Goddess | |
Ran's Hearts | |
Ran's Prettier Witch | |
Ran's Suits and Tuxedos | |
Ran's Wedding and Flower Dance Attire | |
Raphtalia (Fippsie's Custom NPC) | Needed to load anything custom into the game |
Raptor Chickens | |
Razolyn the Magnificent - Non Skimpy Version | |
Razolyn the Magnificent - Now Marriageable- Wizard Replacement | |
Readers Digest | |
Reasonable Sheds | |
Redwood Furniture | |
Refugee NPCs | |
Renny's Dog | |
Renny's Fox Children | |
Renny's Raccoon Children | |
Replace Harvey with Midoriya | |
Replacing Linus with Jesus Christ | For the content patcher version of the mod |
Responsible Marnie | it's a Content pack. You have to download this to use this mod without change original files. |
Rideable Deer (Content Patcher) | Required only for the Content Patcher file. |
Rival Events (Maru and penny) for Korean | |
Rival Events for Maru and Penny - Optional Poly | |
Rival Events for Sam and Sebastian | |
Romance Pam | |
Romance Willy | |
Romanceable Rasmodius - Narrative Overhauled and Marriageable Wizard | |
Romanceable Wizard Portrait by Ionic | |
Round Chickens Mod | |
Rurat's Dinosaurs | |
Rustic Traveling Cart | |
Sabrina | |
Sailor Moon Hairstyles Shirts and Outfits | |
Sam to Samantha - Content Patcher | |
Samoan George Portrait and Sprite | |
Sandy's Home in the Oasis | |
Santa Krobus | |
Scale Up | |
Scythe and Copper Pan Recolors | |
Seagulls are now pufferchicks | |
Seamless Trees | |
Seaside Interior (Content Patcher) | Required only for the Content Patcher file. |
Seasonal Anime Portraits | Required for Seasonal Outfits to work |
Seasonal Cat | |
Seasonal Dinosaurs | |
Seasonal Eeveelutions (CP) | |
Seasonal Fairy Farmer | |
Seasonal Hats (Json Assets) | |
Seasonal Hats for Content Patcher and JsonAssets | For Content Patcher Version |
Seasonal Japanese Buildings | |
Seasonal Junimo Plush for Content Patcher | |
Seasonal Leafeon (CP) | |
Seasonal Outfits | |
Seasonal Sod | |
Seasonal Tub o Flowers | version 1.3 or higher |
Seasonal Witchy-Gothic Buildings | |
Seasonal Witchy-Gothic Cabins | |
Seasonal Witchy-Gothic Inspired Windows | |
Sebastian's Bong - Content Patcher | |
Secret Beach | |
Secret Gardens Greenhouse | tested using 1.4 (or higher) |
Secret of Evermore Futuristic Dog | |
Secret of Evermore Prehistoric Dog | |
Secret Woods Totoro (Ghibli) (CP) | |
Seeds are rare | |
Separate Greenhouse | |
Sexy Alex Muscular Sprite | |
Sexy Hairy Clint v1.3 | |
SFG's Crab Monster Recolors (Content Patcher) | Content Patcher is required to load this content pack |
SFG's Farmer Age Dialogue Tweaks (Content Patcher) | Content Patcher is required to load this content pack |
SFG's No More War - Kent as Journalist (Content Patcher) | Content Patcher is required to load this content pack |
Shadow Cat | |
Shane - Sprites Remastered | |
Shane Dialogue Expansion | |
Shane Portrait Edit | |
Shane post-marriage Flower Dance dialogue tweak | Required only if you download the Content Patcher version. |
Shane Sings 99 Bottles of Beer | version 1.4 or higher |
Shane sings Wandadoog on Friday in the Saloon | 1.4 |
Shane to Ichimatsu replacer | |
Shane's New Job | |
Shardust's Dynamic Wooden Kitchen | |
Shardust's Fences and Flooring | |
Shed Fix | |
Shed Replacement - Small Barn | |
Sheep boy Shane | |
SheiFoxy's Craftables Combo | For Content Patcher Version |
Shen's Farmhouse Interior for Content Patcher | |
Shen's Wallpaper and Flooring | |
Shiba Inu - Shepherd - Husky - Pet Dog Mod (CP) | |
Shiko - New Custom NPC | |
Shirtless Bachelors | |
Short-nosed Goblin Henchman Replacement | |
Simple Bridge Mod (CP) | A must have |
Simple greenhouse 15x15 | |
Skitty Cat Replacement | required for mod |
Slightly Cuter Character Sprites (Content Patcher) | |
Slightly Redesigned Farm Cave | |
Slightly Redesigned Greenhouse | |
Slightly Redesigned Secret Woods | |
Slightly Redesigned Skull Cavern Entrance | |
Slightly Redesigned Spouse Rooms | |
Slime Cat CP | |
Slime cute kitty cat retexture | Needed for CP version of mod. Not mandatory. |
Slime Girls | |
Slime Hutch Natural Interior | |
Slime Hutch Winery for Content Patcher | |
Slime Hutch With Storage Rooms | |
Slime Livestock And Horse | Won't work without this |
Slime Pets | Won't work without this |
Small Town Doctor - Harvey Portrait Mod | |
SMAPI Seasonal Victorian Buildings | |
Snappy Greenhouse | |
Snow-Covered Craftables | |
Some Scarecrow Replacement (mod no longer works) | if youre just prefer replacing xnb then no need to install this |
Sorren - Original NPC | |
Soup's Hoods | Required to work |
Soup's SquareSoft Sewer | |
Space Boots to Steel-Toed Boots (Customizable Boots) | |
Spacious Greenhouse | |
Spirit of Fall UI | |
Spooky Ghost Horse for BFAV | |
Spooky Gothic Furniture - XNB or ContentPatcher Version | Not required for XNB version |
Spooky Wallpapers and Floors Redux | |
Spoopier Spirit's Eve | |
Spoopy Bombay Cat Recolor (ContentPatcher) | |
Standard Farm Map Without Small Pond (Content Patcher Compatible) | If using the Content Patcher version, you must have Content Patcher. |
Starblue Valley Maps Updated - Beach and Desert Maps and Content Patcher and More | v1.1 or later |
Stardew Hero Trophy Overhaul | For running the Mod |
Stardew Portrait Mod | |
Stardew Valley Enhanced | |
Stardew Valley Expanded | (Framework Mod) This mod allows SVE to load into SMAPI! |
Stardew Valley Summer Swimsuits (Content Patcher) | 1.3 |
StardewFinnish | |
Starry Sky Interface (Cute Pastel Magical Girl Palette) for Content Patcher | |
Steins Gate - Makise Kurisu Abigail Mod (CP) | |
Steve From Stranger Things - New Custom NPC | |
Sticky-note Calendar (Content Patcher) | |
Stone Building Mod | required for everything except the stand alone files |
Strawdew Valley | Vers 1.3.0 or newer |
Stream Paths | |
Stronger Coffee (Content Pack) | |
Subtler Glasses | |
Summer Hours | |
Summit Farm (Hilltop) | v1.4+ |
Suns Out Guns Out - Sleeveless Shirts | |
Supply Hay Stack Silo Replacement for Content Patcher | |
Tall Hay Stack Silo Replacement for Content Patcher | |
Tanned Abigail in bikini sprite and portrait | in case you wish to use it via content patcher |
Tanpoponoko's Custom Map Elements for Content Patcher | |
Thanos Is Coming | |
The Alex Things for Custom Furniture | |
The Oracle's Forest Farm | Using Content Patcher no need to overwrite original files. |
The Perks of Being Married | |
The Robin Romance Mod | |
Thomas's Simple Emoji | Needed for this to work properly. |
Tidewalker and Cleaner Beach | |
Tidy Pam (Content Patcher) | |
Tieba Chinese Revision | |
Tiny Scarecrow | |
Tiny Silo | |
Tiny Tree Tappers - Now Compatible with Content Patcher | |
Toddler Outfits | |
Toddlers like parents - Content Patcher | |
Tolerable Pierre | |
Toriel and Frisk from Undertale | |
Tractor Garage Mod - Victorian Style (Now with Seasonal Option) | |
Travel Center | for patching the maps |
Trent's New Animals | |
Trent's New Raccoons | |
Truffle Fox - Content Patcher | |
Tunnel 2 Desert | |
Tunnel System | |
Tunnelling Ahead - A Post-Marriage Alex Expansion | |
Turn Clint into a second Emily | |
Turn Pam into Shrek (Content Patcher) | |
Tweaked Vanilla Interiors | |
TwitchCars | |
Underdark Sewer | |
Unicorn Floatie | |
Unique Jealousy Responses | |
Unofficial Balance Patch | Install this second. |
Unofficial DCBurger Portraits Content Patcher Patch | 1.3.0 |
Unofficial Korean Patch (CP) | |
untitledmaprecolour01 | |
Updated patch 1.3 CP Medieval modern buildings with windmill and shed | Mod for this mod |
Updated Unofficial CP Seasonal (and Non-Seasonal) Grandfather Clock by Endohare (Nantucket Recolor Only) | |
Upgraded Greenhouse | Version 1.6.3 |
Useful Sweet Gem Berries | |
Value Changer | ABOUSLETY needed. |
Vanilla Gothic Abigail | Recommended, not required. You can use the XNB files included in the ZIP to manually patch the game if you prefer. |
Victorian Goth Penny | |
Victy's Sandy for Content Patcher | |
Vietnamese translation of Stardew Valley | |
Village Map Mod | Used for Dialogue |
Villager Name Replacer | |
Vintage Beehouses - Content Patcher | |
Vintage Interface (Content Patcher) | |
Visitable Flower Dance Area | |
Visual Crossing Sprite Overhaul | |
Void Cat | |
Void Creature Krobus | |
Void Ranch | |
WangJangle's Buxom Sandy Lewd portrait | |
Water Under the Bridge (formerly Water Filled Gorge) | |
Weeb Stuff | This is a Content Patcher mod, but you could convert it into an XNB mod if you want for some silly reason |
Which Farm Cave Redux | |
WHY IS MY CAT A LINUS (exclamation mark)(question mark) | You shall download this if you want a cat whose name is Linus |
Willy's Home | |
Wilo's Giant Greenhouse | For Content Patcher version only! |
Winter Woods - Secret Woods Expansion | |
Witch Furniture | |
Witch Swamp 'Expansion' | |
Witchy Crystal Farm 2.0 | |
Witchy Hats | |
Wizard Romanceable Sprite By Chaekal-Rizum | |
Wizard Style House | |
Wizard to Witch CP Version of CreepyKat | |
Wizard's Home and Basement | |
Wizardyn - A Wizard (Replacer) Of No Consequence | |
Wooloo for Content Patcher | |
Wrong Idea Clint | |
XerDrake's Clint Refined and Improved (Maybe) | Used alongside the Content Patcher version of Clint Refined mod file. Ignore otherwise. |
Yellog's Dark Wood and Cream Furniture Conversion for Custom Furniture | |
Yellog's Wood Buildings (CP) | |
Yellog's Wood craftables (CP) | |
Yoshi - Dinosaur | |
Yoshi Dog | |
Yoshis CP | |
Younger Pam | |
Zombie Pam | |
Zosa's Furniture and Farmhouse interior | |
Zosa's New Lightning Rods | |
Zosa's Wallpapers | Required to run this type of mod |
Stardew Valley 1.3 Patch Download Download
File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file
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